Thursday, February 14, 2013

Canoe Race

For Majuro Day there was a canoe race, and a couple canoes from WAM school were in the race.  We went down to check out the start, and because they needed another sailor, I ended up on one of the canoes!  As the other sailor and I are familiarizing ourselves with the canoe we here a horn go off, so we jump in the boat, first off the start, and begin sailing.  We look back to see that no one else has started yet.  Five minute horn.  Ha!  So we tack and head back to the start.  At least we got a practice in.  
Once the race actually started, we got off to a good run across the lagoon.  It was one of the windier days I'd seen and we were flying!  About 40 minutes into the race we pitch pull the canoe and the boom snaps... race over for us.  We were pretty bummed, but I had a feeling I'd been black magicked.  I probably wasn't supposed to be racing these canoes... 

I am the yellow and green sail front left.  The canoe in the front of the race is flying the sail I made at WAM school...

This is us paddling back after the boom broke...